
Genertec Meheco Pharmaceutical Synthetic Biotechnology Innovation Alliance is Officially Established

21 2024-06

On June 21, the Genertec Meheco Pharmaceutical Synthetic Biotechnology Innovation Alliance was set up and the first conference of the Alliance was held in Henan. Topfond Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Sanyang Pharmaceutical, Keyi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., China Meheco Tianshan Pharma Co., Ltd., and Liyi Pharma Co., Ltd., together with Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, East China University of Science and Technology, China Pharmaceutical University, Jiangnan University, Shandong University and three leading synthetic biotechnology enterprises including Enzymaster (Ningbo) Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd, Kangheng Yanxin and VTR BioTech, gathered in Topfond Pharmaceutical to jointly write a new chapter in the field of synthetic biotechnology in China. Hong Jiaqing, Deputy General Manager of Genertec Meheco, delivered a welcome speech and made a summary on behalf of the Company. Lv Heping, Assistant General Manager of the Company, presided over the conference. Researchers Wu Qiaqing, Bai Wenqin, Yao Peiyuan, and Yuan Bo from Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Liu Liming from Jiangnan University, Associate Professor Yang Lei from China Pharmaceutical University, Associate Professors Wan Junfen and Gao Shuhong from East China University of Science and Technology, Lv Zhenlin, President of Enzymaster (Ningbo) Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd., the representative of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, and Cheng Liang, General Manager of Suzhou Kangheng Yanxin attended the conference.

Hong Jiaqing said that the Synthetic Biotechnology Innovation Alliance will be committed to gathering momentum and power, pooling strength from all sides to jointly cope with challenges faced, and promoting greater development and progress of all sides in the Alliance to build a broader platform and provide more powerful support for jointly serving national strategies. For the next development phase of the Alliance, Hong Jiaqing put forward three goals: The first is to deepen understanding, effectively enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility for the development of synthetic biology, accelerate the pace of such development to seize the high ground of science and technology for making greater contributions to national prosperity and people's well-being. The second is to embrace opportunities, make active arrangements, open up application scenarios of synthetic biology products in pharmaceutical manufacturing and production, product technical cooperation, talent training, etc., and carry out all-around cooperation and exchanges to promote disruptive and cutting-edge technological innovation. The third is to encourage open-access innovation, implement the national call for collaborative innovation of "large academies, institutes, universities, and enterprises" by giving full play to the advantageous resources of large scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, enterprises and other parties to cooperate and jointly promote technological innovation and industrial development.