
Protect People's Life and Health with Scientific and Technological Progress | Genertec Meheco Attends the 88th PHARMCHINA

20 2024-06

From May 15 to 17, the 88th PHARMCHINA was staged at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). Nearly 4,000 exhibitors, more than 500 experts and well-known scholars from the pharmaceutical and health and nutrition industries at home and abroad joined hands with the audience to present a grand event, setting an industry benchmark for the continuous improvement of the industrial chain and brand chain of the pharmaceutical and health industry, and releasing new momentum for high-quality development.

Genertec Meheco brought its high-quality products from the industrial sector, commercial sector, and international business sector to the Chemical Medicine & Health Care Products Exhibition Area. It comprehensively demonstrated the company's fruitful achievements in the development of pharmaceutical and big health products in recent years, highlighting Genertec Meheco's contributions to protecting people's lives and health as a centrally administered state-owned pharmaceutical enterprise.

Yang Guang, Secretary of the CPC Committee of Genertec Meheco, Hong Jiaqing and Lin Weifang, Deputy General Managers, and Lyu Heping, General Manager Assistant visited the booth.

Yang Guang learned about the product structure, technical advantages, and business cooperation of each exhibitor in detail. He said that PHARMCHINA is a large-scale, influential event in the field of preparations and health in China. All units should fully seize the opportunity, making efforts to display their high-quality products and advanced technologies, striving to expand business channels, promoting the sales of products, continuously enhancing the brand influence of the company, and better meeting people's needs for a healthy life.

During the event, Yang Guang and his delegation also exchanged ideas on cooperation with major exhibitors.

Heads of relevant functional departments and affiliated enterprises of Genertec Meheco accompanied the delegation during the visit.